Surgical task trainers - Encoris
Surgical task trainers - Encoris

Surgical Task Trainers the Encoris way

Isolated bone and / or soft tissue anatomy customized specifically to the surgical task, providing training that is focused, efficient, less-costly, pathology-specific, and repeatable.

Our custom task trainers capture the unique features and benefits of your medical devices and augments your overall training program.

A device that produces favorable outcomes is more widely accepted when users feel comfortable using the device.

Creating the perfect model

We use actual human skeletal anatomy and mating soft tissues, ensuring our clients anatomical accuracy, saved time, and peace-of-mind when developing and manufacturing surgical training models.

Synergetic development process

Our engineering and modeling teams can isolate any bone and mating soft-tissue anatomy, and in real-time via a web call, enhance and adapt those structures using CAD data of your implants, to produce manufactured models that provide a superior surgical training outcome.

There are 17 repeatable surgical procedures on this one FlexBone model!

“Where the heck have you guys been?,” said a Sr. Product Manager when we unveiled this highly interactive training model showcasing their entire suture anchor portfolio.

They were using sawbones for years, experiencing subpar, generic results.

Using our repeatable FlexBone technology, the models were an instant hit for them and their distributors, accelerating the understanding and sales of their suturing products worldwide.

Flexclear foot and ankle suture sales demo

Encoris can integrate trainers with life-like, replaceable, anatomically mating ligaments, tendons, or any soft-tissue structures.

PCNL video BG
YouTube video

Workshop Bone Trainers

Customize or enhance any part of the bone anatomy with osteophytes, uncinate processes, or whatever boney feature prevalent to surgery to provide greater challenge and a successful surgical training outcome.

The soft tissue replacement features on our task trainers are ultra-realistic, providing a low-cost, cadaver-like experience for rep training on access and targeting techniques.

YouTube video
PCNL video BG
PCNL video BG

Pharmaceutical Neurostimulation and Drug Delivery Trainers

Neuromodulation access and targeting trainer cadaver like replacement plugs
soft tissue surgical task trainer page
Pharmaceutical Access and Targeting Training Realistic Skin Tissues Encoris 1
Pharmaceutical access and targeting training

Pharmaceutical Neurostimulation and Drug Delivery Trainers

Neuromodulation access and targeting trainer cadaver like replacement plugs
soft tissue surgical task trainer page
Pharmaceutical Access and Targeting Training Realistic Skin Tissues Encoris 1
Pharmaceutical access and targeting training